The Church Hell Cannot Handle

The Church Hell Cannot Handle

With everything going on in the world, we need the church to represent Christ and pose a problem for the enemy. Hell cannot handle a church that is on fire for the Lord. Hell cannot handle a praying church. Hell cannot handle a church that is full of...
You Can’t Keep A Good Man Down

You Can’t Keep A Good Man Down

We celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He took on the sins of the world and laid down his life for our lives. Thanks be to God, that “You Can’t Keep A Good Man Down”. Check out this powerful Resurrection Sunday message from Pastor Thaddeus...
After This

After This

God allows us to go through the test so we can come forth as gold. Through the test, God is preparing us, strengthening us and polishing us. No matter what the test, there will be glory After...
First Things First

First Things First

God knows what we need before we ask, so we don’t have to worry. Instead seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to us. It’s time to put first things...
We’ve Come This Far By Faith

We’ve Come This Far By Faith

No matter what the situation looks like, God is faithful to his word and to his promises. Fear and faith do not go together. We must trust God and faith that God did not bring us this far to leave us. We are in a season of transition and lots of uncertainty...