Church History

This year Community Baptist Church celebrated 60 years of God's faithfulness!!

The late Rev. John W. Kirkland established the Community Baptist Church through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and God’s Holy Word, in the year 1960. The fellowship started in his living room at 1006 West 7th Street Chester, PA. Rev. Kirkland was an Associate Minister of the Bethany Baptist Church under the pastorate of the late Rev. Dr. Daniel A. Scott. Rev. Scott gave his blessing and sent a few members to help with the establishment of the new church. The church began to grow with a few new followers, the late Mrs. Lille Mae Peoples Kirkland-Gillison (and certain family members) the late, Willie J. Kirkland, John F. Kirkland, Leola J. Kirkland-Williams, Wilbur L. Kirkland, Alfred Kirkland and Charles Kirkland along with Mrs. Erie Cochran and Mr. Cooper.

The expanding membership caused the fellowship to seek a new location, which was found on 8th and Morton Ave. The new location brought about a greater growth with the newest members; Dea. Robert and Jeanette Alston & Family, Joseph and Daisy Williams & Family. Fire forced the church to find a new location on the same street. In this new location the church formed its first choir, the Sr. Choir under the leadership of Sis. Dorothy (Shorty) Alston. The continued growth of the membership called for another move that lead the congregation to 931 Upland Street in Chester. This was a long time dream of Rev. Kirkland, to have a community oriented Baptist Church located on the east side of Chester. As the dream materialized whole families began to join the church. Brother John & Rachael Harmons & Family, Dea. Nabutha & Clemmie Bell & Family, Dea. Tom Collins & Family, Sis. Helen Clack & Family, Sis. Charlotte Streetie, Sis. Ramintha Wilson, Sis. Leeze Armfield-Harmons & Family and many others. The congregation reached to well over 150 members and a youth fellowship that grew to be one of the largest in the city of Chester. The church added a new choir, the Kirkland Chorus, under the leadership of Sis. Helen Clack.

On April 17, 1967, the Lord called Rev. Kirkland to glory, which lead to the ordination of Rev. Albert Watson to fill the position as acting pastor. In 1968 the late Rev. Lawrence Coker, also an associate minister of Bethany Baptist Church (under the pastorate of Dr. D. A. Scott) was called as the new pastor of the church. In 1975 Rev. Coker led the church to its new and present location at 325 West 7th Street, PA. The church grew in spirit and in truth until poor health called for the retirement of Rev. Coker in 1978 (ten years later). Later that year the Lord sent another soldier to the battlefield, the Rev. William B. Starks who carried on the work of the Lord, for 31 years. Upon his retirement the Community Baptist Church, in unanimous agreement and with guidance of the Holy Spirit, called the Present Pastor Rev. Thaddeus Kirkland. Rev. Kirkland (the son of the founder) took the reins in March of 2008. Pastor and First Lady Kirkland will celebrate 17 years of pastoral ministry in April 2025.

John Kirkland
Rev. Lawrence Coker
Rev. Williams B. Starks