Over the next 21 days, we will be praying, fasting and seeking the Kingdom of God for wisdom, direction and understanding.  The journey begins January 18, 2021 and ends on February 7, 2021.  If you plan to join us, please be sure to join our bible study Facebook group.  Here are the key components of this journey:

We are encouraging you to pray 3 times per day.  For example – 6am, 12noon and 6pm or when you wake up, at lunch time and before you go to bed.  You may choose the times that work for you but be consitent

The recommended fast is the Daniel Fast (Daniel chapter 10). For full details of foods to eat or avoid visit https://ultimatedanielfast.com/ultimate-daniel-fast-food-guidelines/

However, there are a variety of fasts to choose from and you can choose any type of fast that is a sacrifice for you.  Here are some examples:

  • Complete fast
  • Selective fast
  • Partial fast (like the Daniel fast)
  • Soul fast

Daily devotions
We have a daily devotion for each of the 21 days.  Each lesson ends with a thought for the day to meditate and journal about.

We are encouraging you to keep a journal and write once per day about how you saw God move, what challenges you encountered, what victories you experience or revelations you receive.  You can also write down your response to the thought for the day. This way you are intentional throughout this journey.

For the full details and the devotional